



Why So Awesome:


Romanian to English by fallenangellostindarkness

English to Chinese by SophieSuperAwesome aka 我

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Born in Constanta (aka my town, the place where you can’t find this freaking magazine) on 13th August 1982, he broke some hearts in the HBO production Gossip Girl, he starred with Natalie Portman in Black Swan and is at the moment in two American Marvel blockbusters. Sebastian Stan is the one who has been so lucky from an early stage in his career. Even though he has moved from Romania at a young age, he is still speaking Romanian fluently (because of his mother) and he is still incredibly modest.

出生于1982年8月13日,羅馬尼亞,康斯坦察。在HBO製作的Gossip Girl中,他傷了好幾個人的心;在電影《黑天鵝》中出演,同片女星Natalie Portman;同時,出演了美國漫威的兩部大片。Sebastian Stan在他的職業生涯的早期就已經如此幸運。雖然他年紀很小的時候就已經離開羅馬尼亞,(多虧了他的媽媽)他仍然說一口流利的羅馬尼亞語和保持不不可思議的謙遜。

How was for you leaving Romania at only 8 years old?

Back then everything happened quickly. My family was moving quite often and the time to assimilate what was happening was insufficient. I had to adapt myself really fast to new surroundings. It was a cultural shock. I remember that I was in a supermarket in Vienna and it was the first time I saw bananas. Now that was an event. When you are young, you are just like a sponge and this helped me integrate quickly.  But I did feel like a stranger in the first years.



On what level did you feel the change the most?

The biggest change was the language barrier. When I moved to Vienna, I had to learn German. Then, when I was 12, we moved to the USA and I had to change the languages again. I couldn’t have learnt so fast if it weren’t for my stepfather who is of American origins. It was really difficult for me in high school only because I had an accent. I remember that there was a year during which I spoke English defensively – even with my mother who continued to speak to me in Romanian. It was a great effort for me because I just wanted to be like all children and to lose my accent.



Which is your greatest memory about Romania?

I have some unforgettable memories from the Revolution. I remember that one afternoon I was playing outside – I was 6 or 7 years old – and I hear a really loud noise coming from the street and all the children were running to see what has happened. When I approached them, I saw a Dacia (Romanian car) full of students shouting, raising their fists through the open side windows and with the town hall’s Romanian flag – with a huge hole in the middle where it used to be the communist symbol - blowing in the wind. Even though I was very young, I did understand that what was happening was very important.



What made you become an actor?

I actually had the opportunity to perform when I was in Vienna. My mother took me to some auditions and my first role was the one of a homeless Romanian child. I was filmed in a subway in a short movie. I didn’t like it too much. I found it boring having to wait on the set for such a long time. Only when I was in my first year of high school in America I started enjoying it. I had a friend who, even though he had hearing problems, he was responsible of all the plays.  His attitude and the fact that he didn’t let a disability to discourage him made me try.



Which were the first steps you took in your path to this career?

From high school to summer school and until college in New York, I had one motto: “If this went well, then I’ll take the next step and see where it leads me.” Fortunately, my path had already started forming on itself. My luck has played a very important role and until this moment I am grateful to my parents for bringing me to America. The greatest moment occurred in Stagedoor Manor, an acting camp in the north of New York. There I met my manager with whom I’ve been working for 17 years. I started going to auditions in New York when I was 16 and all those years were fundamental to me.



It is not easy to get to Hollywood. What motivated you?

I find myself a very lucky man who has had many opportunities. My work depended on what I did with all those opportunities. I didn’t have the slightest idea that I would get where I am now. Starting from my family’s journey in 3 different countries, I never knew what to expect and to what to get attached. Therefore, I realized that no matter where the path leads me, I must trust it. Trust is what has motivated me so far.



What were the challenges?

The challenge was to remind myself that everything is entertaining. As you grow up, there are more responsibilities and the industry continues discouraging you with its rejections. It’s important not to take it personally, even though it’s hard to do this. You become exhausted, you start blaming the others and sometimes even yourself. There were some times when I felt lost. I was young and I had forgotten why I was here. But, slowly, I returned on my path.



You have played in various different movies. Which one of you characters was the most demanding?

It’s always different and sometimes I have no idea how I should start preparing myself. I trust my instinct very much and also the feelings/impressions I get from the script. However, I remain very open in what concerns the director’s concept and I respect it. It’s very important to know your limits and the area in which you are working. “Captain America” was based on the story from the comic books and this was really helpful.  They (i.e. the comic books) were like a map and I only had to follow it. When you work with a director like Darren Aronofsky, who has a very precise vision, you only have to honor it.


A:(對角色的準備)永遠都很難,有時我根本不知道該如何對此作準備。我很相信自己的直覺,也信任自己對劇本的感覺和印象。然而我仍對自己的表演持非常開發的態度,也尊重導演的想法和概念。對自己的能力和條件限制的了解對於這個行業來説 非常重要。“美國隊長”是基於漫畫書的故事設定的,所以漫畫(對於我理解角色)非常重要,漫畫書就像一幅地圖,我僅需要跟著走就好。當你與像Darren Aronofsky這樣的導演一起工作的時候,他那種精準的見解讓你不得不膜拜。

You prepared yourself for theater. How is the stage opposite to movies?

Television is the writer’s area, the movies are the director’s area and the theatre, finally, is the actor’s area. What the public sees is only what the actor says. He is his one editor. The theater gives you the possibility to do something new every night. Countless revelations about a role keep appearing and this makes every performance different. It’s very interesting and it keeps you fascinated. In movies, the director edits the performance in a room. As an actor, you are at his mercy. But, in a movie, you can communicate only through one scene/close-up. It’s a special thing which you can’t do on stage.



